(206) INSATIABLE (1981) Isabel Sarli/Armando Bo Final Film
original Argentinean/Spanish title INSACIABLE [Insatiable]
also known as LIKE A DOG IN HEAT
Armando Bo
ˇ Jorge
ˇ Armando
ˇ Santiago
Gómez Cou
was the last Isabel Sarli/Armando Bo film. Her manager/director Bo would
die shortly after the wrap in 1981. And Isabel would essentially retire
[a few minor subsequent guest appearances would follow]. This was also
one of her only movies to find a major release in the United States (in
1983), playing to the art theatre circuit amid a frenzy of censorship
The story
is simple. Isabel plays Carmen, a nymphomaniac who - despite loving her
husband deeply - needs constant sexual attention from others. She is married
to a doctor named Luis who seeks advice from a psychologist friend while
Carmen goes to South Argentina to satisfy her sexual cravings. Lots of
Krafft-Ebing sexology to justify the steamy visuals and some music from
Bill Haley and the Comets.
Ms Sarli
was South America's Sex Queen, best known for EMBRUJADA
[Bewitched], FUEGO
[Fire], FIEBRE
[Fever] and CARNE
[Meat]. She had won the 'Miss Argentina' title in 1955 and a short time
later met actor Amando Bo. He convinced Isabel to make movies with him
as the writer and director. The union resulted in a marriage and 30 subsequent
films, ending with this film in 1981. Despite constant attempts to censor
her motion pictures, in 2012, the president of Argentina Cristina Fernández
de Kirchner, gave her the honorary title 'Ambassador of Pop Culture.'
Argentinean film with optional English subtitles;
fullscreen format, (86 min.),
in DVD format, encoded for ALL REGIONS, playable on any American DVD machine.
Extras include a longer alternative Italian opening, trailer and bonus
Sexual Situations, Nymphomania, Rape
for Adult Audiences