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SHE-WOLF [La Loba] (1965) Kitty De Hoyos/Joaquin Cordero
SHE-WOLF [La Loba] (1965) Kitty De Hoyos/Joaquin Cordero

"One of the Top Ten Mexican Horror Movies of All Time!"
                                                                                                        --Cinema Cem Anos Luz


original Mexican/Spanish title LA LOBA
also known as LOS HORRORES DEL BOSQUE NEGRO [Horrors of the Black Forest]

director: Rafael Baledón        written by Ramon Obon
starring: Kitty de Hoyos · Joaquin Cordero · Jose Elias Moreno · Noe Murayama · Adriana Roel


Professor Fernandez is studying "metamorphoses in living organisms" [essentially DNA research long before it was customary]. He hopes to cure his daughter's inhabilitating disease of Lycanthropy which overwhelms her on nights of the full moon. Meanwhile, a junior physician named Dr Alejandro Bernstein arrives at the remote Fernandez chateau seeking permission to marry beautiful Clarisa, not knowing she is a werewolf. But that's not all: the taut script has a few more surprises for the viewer.

This was the first werewolf movie made in Mexico. And director Rafael Baledón attacked the genre with a ferocity hereunto not seen in that country's horror genre. Here is an intelligent yet incredibly violent and sexy motion picture. It ran into severe censorship problems due to Kitty de Hoyos' nude transformation scenes, earning it an 'Adults Only' rating. Mr Baledón is arguably Mexico's top horror director, responsible for such legendary films as CURSE OF THE CRYING WOMAN [Llorona], HELL OF FRANKENSTEIN, MAN AND THE MONSTER. His scriptwriter is cult author Ramon Obon [born Ramón Obón Arellano], the man who also penned WORLD OF THE VAMPIRES, BLACK PIT OF DOCTOR M, and LIVING COFFIN before his death in 1965, at age 45, from a myocardial infarction.

Joaquin Cordero - playing the mysterious Dr Bernstein here - was one of Mexico's top movie stars, appearing in 200+ films between 1949 and his death (from respiratory failure) in February 2013 at age 89. He is probably best known for VACATION OF TERROR 2, the role in Carlos Enrique Taboada's horror masterpiece BOOK OF STONE [as well as the Taboada's scripted HELL OF FRANKENSTEIN]. But genre fans always choose his complex performance in DR SATAN and the sequel DR SATAN VS BLACK MAGIC.

Kitty de Hoyos plays the complicated Clarisa. She was a popular actress who starred in 60+ films between 1952-81, including two more genre classics in 1965 THE CROWS ARE MOURNING and ADVENTURE AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. Miss de Hoyos would pass away from cancer in 1969, at 62.



A Mexican/Spanish black-and-white film with optional ON/OFF English subtitles, (79 minutes)
fullscreen in DVD format, encoded for ALL REGION, playable on any American DVD machine.
Extras include selected theatrical trailers.

Nudity/Graphic Violence

For Mature Audiences

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