Ford's debut film...
based on Leslie Toye's life as a Groupie
known as I AM A GROUPIE
Derek Ford
starring Esme Johns · Billy Boyle · Richard Shaw ·
James Beck · Eliza Terry · Donald Sumpter
Johns - in her only screen appearance - plays a young groupie named
Sally, a character based on the exploits of Leslie Toye. Sally is a
bored teenage girl who decides the best way to meet rock stars is to
become sexually available to them. She goes on the road with a band
called Opal Butterfly (real life British group English Rose) and gets
more than she bargained for.
and more perverse than the similar German film GROUPIE
with Ingrid Steeger, this one is the debut project by filmmaker outcast
Derek Ford [both movies were made in 1970]. Ford began his career as
a scriptwriter, establishing himself with BLACK
TORMENT for Robert Hartford-Davis in 1964 and then a handful
of screenplays for Roger Moore's TV series The Saint.
After GROUPIE GIRL, he drifted deeper into the exploitation market.
On paper, Derek Ford made movies for Great Britain; however, he would
then shoot additional hardcore scenes secretly at his home [with his
wife Valerie] and deliver those movies to the International market (such
an example is DIVERSIONS).
Mr Ford died from a heart attack at age 62 in May 1995.
A British film in English language; fullscreen format, uncut version
(84 minutes),
DVD encoded for ALL REGION NTSC. Extras include selected trailers.
Themes/Nudity/Drugs/Gay Theme/Sexual Brutality
For Adult Audiences