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DOLLS OF KING KONG (1981) Munecas del King Kong
DOLLS OF KING KONG (1981) Munecas del King Kong


original Mexican/Spanish title: LAS MUNECAS DEL KING KONG

directed by Alfred B. Crevenna
starring: Lin May (Lyn May) · Aldo Sandrell · Rosa Gloria Vazquez · Armando Silvestre · Grace Renat


The King Kong in this film is a statue that looms over a steamy jungle nightclub in Cuauhtémoc [see pic below, right]. He glares down at the stage where Lyn May is stripping to a rousing 1, 2, 3, Cha Cha Cha (followed by a Spanish version of Olivia Newton-John's A Little More Love). Meanwhile, outside in the savannas, Carlos and Miguel come upon a man dying from a poisonous snake bit. As they prepare for a hand amputation, the men discover something even more disconcerting... a young woman chained to a wall inside a nearby shack.

There is a perplexing mystery lingering behind this film. Although the credit sequence lists a completely Spanish/Mexican staff (including well-known cult director Alfred B. Crevenna), at least 45 minutes of the movie is lifted directly from the 1979 Italian movie VIOLENZA CARNALE DELLA GIUGLA [Carnal Violence in the Jungle] by Roberto Montero. How is this even possible? And why isn't the original Euro footage referenced anywhere in the credits for this version? The plot and conclusion come from Montero's film, but that footage is now accompanied by a half-hour of strippers (played by Lyn May and Grace Renat) at the jungle King Kong nightclub. Some of the actors - notably Aldo Sambrell and Rosa Gloria Chagoyan - are in both films. Obviously, with half of the original footage missing from this Mexican production, continuity is a major problem [i.e., daytime-scenes-morphing-into-night-and-then-back-again and wildly inexplicable character deviation]. However, his newer version does feature more nudity, a catfight, grittier rape scenes and - most notably the addition of King Kong all missing from the Italian original.



A Mexican/Spanish film with optional ON/OFF English subtitles; widescreen format,
uncut version (86 min.), DVD encoded for ALL REGION NTSC, playable on any
American machine. Extras include selected trailers.


Graphic Violence/Nudity/Rape/Catfight/Sexual Brutality/Bondage
Recommended for Adult Audiences

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