Frankenstein's Kung Fu Monster (1975) Super Riders!
original Taiwanese title SHAN DIAN QI SHI
[Super Riders and V-3]
also known as SUPER RIDERS '75
Lin Chung-Kuang and Minoru Yamada
starring: Wen Chiang-Lung · Li Yi-Min · Jiro Yabuki ·
Feng Chang · Chiang Ching-Feng · Chin Wan-Hsi · Chiang
An evil Chinese leader named General Scorpio and supreme big boss Dr Frankenstein
run a secret organization [guarded by various monsters] with the goal
of world domination. They develop a deadly concoction from calcium and
then harness the power of volcanic destruction to put their plan in motion.
The Super Riders - with the help of martial artist Lilly Qian - try to
stop the impending doom.
This is probably the granddaddy of explosion movies.
Seems like something is getting blown up every five minutes as both the
good guys and the bad guys constantly taunt the other side with death
threats. The action is swift and wildly entertaining despite a total disregard
for sense and/or continuity. It's obviously designed for kids [or stoned
adults] who will be delighted by the eye-popping visuals. The movie originates
from Taiwan [with segments lifted lifted from various Japanese films]
by way of Germany. The soundtrack is German dubbed with English subtitles.
Also see the notorious HANUMAN
VS FIVE KAMEN RIDERS, the illegal movie from Thailand.
Rider 2 is played by martial artist Li Yi-Min (sometimes billed as Kang
Li and Simon Lee) who starred in a fistful of 50+ kung fu films in the
two decades between 1968-1988. He is probably best known for the Brave
Archer series.
Taiwanese/Chinese film with optional ON/OFF English subtitles;
widescreen format, uncut (73 min.),
in DVD format, encoded for ALL REGIONS, playable on any American DVD machine.
Extras include selected trailers.