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Dark Story of a Japanese Rapist (1967) Koji Wakamatsu
Dark Story of a Japanese Rapist (1967) Koji Wakamatsu


[Dark Story of a Japanese Rapist: Cruel Evil]

director: Koji Wakamatsu
starring: Osamu Yamashita · Miki Hayashi · Kyoko Yayoi · Reiko Koyanagi · Junko Natsu


After Koji Wakamatsu's unmitigated success of his VIOLATED ANGELS [loosely based on the 1967 case of Richard Speck slaughtering a houseful of nurses in Chicago], he decided to recreate the story of Yoshio Kodaira, a rapist who terrorized Tokyo just after the Second World War. Interestingly, when Kodaira is finally captured by the police, he freely admits to capturing, abusing and raping the victims but strongly denies killing them. Rather, he insists that was done by someone else. The investigating detective is so bothered by Kodaira's adamant denial that he keeps the case open and continues working it.

Koji Wakamatsu is considered the King of Japanese exploitation cinema, often called 'the Pink Godfather,' responsible for at least 110 films between 1963-2012. Internationally, he is best known POOL WITHOUT WATER, WHEN THE EMBRYO GOES POACHING, GO, GO SECOND TIME VIRGIN, EROTIC LIAISONS and 13 KILLINGS BY A SERIAL RAPIST. His later films concentrated on left-wing resistance movements, especially dealing with the oppression of the Palestinian nation and the Japanese underground. His politics got Wakamatsu blacklisted by the United States, which imposed a travel ban on him. In 2012, Koji Wakamatsu was killed in a car accident as he returned from the Tokyo-based TEPCO company, after a heated meeting over the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Mr Wakamatsu was 76.



A black and white Japanese film with optional ON/OFF English subtitles, 73 minutes, widescreen,
encoded for ALL REGION, playable on any American DVD machine
Extras include selection adult theatrical trailers.

Rape/Nudity/Graphic Violence/Sexual Brutality
intended for Adult Audiences


Sale Price: $17.50
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