Vietnam Vet Slaughters Teens in Mexican Forest
Spanish Title: TRAMPA INFERNAL [Hell Gate]
director: Pedro Galindo III
starring: Edith Gonzalez · Charley Vallentino · Pedro
Fernandez · Tono Mauri · Marisol Santacruz
is a Mexican slasher film that vividly illustrates what would've happened
if Rambo had gone insane, put on a Freddy-Kruger-Knife-Glove
and started butchering vacationing teens in the woods. Of course, there's
no logical reason this deformed Viet Nam vet named Jesse is even in
Mexico, not to mention hiding away in a forest with an arsenal, but
director Galindo isn't interested in explaining himself. Rather, he
wants to deliver a gruesome horror film in the tradition of Friday
the 13th (et al) , and so he does. Specifically, two friends
named Mauricio and Nacho are determined to prove which is more macho
by venturing on a weekend bear-hunting trip after hearing reports of
a Grizzly attacking campers in the woods nearby. But they (and five
friends who tag along) soon discover there's no bear, but rather a crazed
soldier who makes a game of killing the group of teens one by one.
Galindo III made a career of directing violent, bloody horror films
and action flicks. He is generally considered one of the best Mexican
Grindhouse filmmakers, capable of delivering a quality motion picture
with limited resources. He is probably best known for helming the sequel
to the '80s hit Vacation of Terror. For the most part, his work
is virtually unknown in the United States.
A Mexican film with
English subtitles; fullscreen format, uncut (90 minutes),
Sexual Theme/Graphic
For Mature Audiences