The notorious
Nikkatsu pink film based on the story by legendary Japanese thriller novelist
Edogawa Rampo from director Tanaka (ANGEL
GUTS: NAMI). It's the story of a man living in an exclusive boarding
house who sneaks around peeping on the other residences late at night.
He especially likes to watch Lady Minako as she has sex with various partners.
His obsession eventually drives him crazy and he kills the woman's husband
by dripping poison into his mouth through the hole in the ceiling. Detective
Akechi investigates and discovers even more twists and turns.
Japanese film; widescreen (2.35:1), uncut (77 minutes) in DVD encoded
for ALL REGION NTSC, playable on any American DVD machine; in Japanese
language with optional English subtitles. Extras include Nikkatsu trailers,
interviews and featurette.
Sex Scenes/
Adult Material/Nudity:
Recommended for Mature Audiences only