action-packed movies based on the popular manga by Yu Koyama. Part One
gets rolling when a ten Samurai - including swordswoman Azumi (Aya Ueto)
- are subjected to an ultimate test of power and skill which culminates
in a series of massive sword battles. The first film ends with the sword-weilding
heroine slicing her way through 200+ foes. Part two picks up the action
immediately as the young female ninja is entrusted with keeping the nation
from falling into civil war. Her main opponent is government official
Masayuki Sanda who employs a deadly assassination squad.
Korean import
of two Japanese films; widescreen (1.85:1) uncut (113 min.) version
in DVD encoded for ALL REGIONS, playable on any American DVD machine;
in Japanese language with English or Korean subtitles as an option.
Also includes trailers and extras.
Viewer discretion is advised.