Based on a 5-part
animated series, which in turn was inspired by Masaaki Soto's episodic
adult manga, this 1979 Nikkatsu film tells the story of a young man destined
to follow in the footsteps of his psychotic father (Sugawara), a vicious
criminal who mercilessly raped and killed a collection of women.
This film deals mostly
with son Tatsuya (Domon) who converts his basement into a torture chamber
(like dear dad) and gets his kicks by capturing girls - including a pop
singer played by Asami Ogawa - and torturing them. Eventually dad and
son reunite and they celebrate the occasion by torturing even more girls.
Rough entertainment, indeed.
Japanese film imported from Germany; widescreen uncut (99 min.) version
in DVD format, encoded for ALL REGIONS; Japanese language with removable
English or German subtitles.
Strong S&M/Graphic Violence/Nudity/Drugs/
Sexual Brutality/Rape
For Adult Audiences Only